
Showing posts from November, 2016

Embedding Gist in Blogger

I tried to embed Gist into my blogger post. Everything looked fine except the overflow:scroll is not working. Interestingly, without setting fixed height (eg. height:100px) both x and y scrolls are not working.  I tried the following override in blogger template and it somehow broke the overall scroll.  .gist .blob-wrapper {     height: 100vh !important;     height:500px !important;     overflow-y: auto !important; } Finally I settled down to the following, which wrapped the text decently.  .gist .blob-code-inner { white-space:pre-wrap !important; }

SPOnline Search REST API POST request

There is one thing about Sharepoint. It doesn't let you pass even if there is a slight formatting error in your request. And, most of the time error is not so appropriate or no error.  I faced the same situation when i tried to compose a POST request for SPOnline Search REST API. The query text was quite complex as I was trying to retrieve search results based on a managed property which is in turn is generated from managed metadata column. The key here is not introduce  + symbol in place of space as we would generally do in GET request.  Code Snippet

ng-click doesn't work with ion-slides

Issue:   Clicks doesn't work for elements inside ion-slides. Or you may experience slow clicks in the initial load, but eventually click event doesn't work. I tried to place ion-checkbox inside ion-slides. It used to work fine when the chrome is lightly loaded. Once the browser gets heavier, ion-checkbox doesn't respond.  Resolution: This relates to a bug in Swiper component which is used to build ion-slides. It relates to the bug file in their git repo. The resolutions is as follows: I've found the issue... This two options:  preventClicks  and  preventClicksPropagation , are by default set to  true . Setting them to  false  will solve the issue.